
Saturday 1 October 2011

Meeting on 1/10/11

Hello everyone,

HELP TMC had our meeting today, on the 1st of October. Today's meeting was themed 'money,' and was very appropriate with the financial demands of this day and age.

The meeting started off with a question posed by ASAA, Kevin Ho. The question was," Would you rather have plenty of money, and be relatively happy, or be very happy, and have a relatively high amount of money?" After hearing a range of answers, we moved on to the table topics session for the day.

Table topics master, Hadi, came up with 5 interesting and thought-evoking titles for the table topics speakers. After hearing from five speakers, we moved on to the table topics evaluation session. Jason Moi, an experienced and seasoned toastmaster, provided the table topic evaluation, accurately pointing out all the speakers' flaws, giving advise, and praising the good parts.

After the evaluation session was complete, we moved on to the assignment speakers. First up, we had Vincent Liew, who was preparing for his District Level Competition, on the 15th of this month. After delivering his speech entitled Love and Imperfections, we then heard from Dennis Wee, who was also preparing for a competition, later this month.

After taking a short break, we had more assignment speeches, from Toastmasters Roshini(cc#1), Tze Yi(cc#6) and Kevin(cc#8). After the speeches were complete, we moved on to our evaluation session, with G.E. Seetho taking the stage, before inviting his team of evaluators to deliver their reports.

After all the evaluations wee over, president Zoe took over. She started by giving out the certificates to the best table topics speaker(Rajveer Singh), best assignment speaker(Roshini), and the best evaluator(Rajveer Singh). She then ended with the announcement of the District Levels Humour Speech competition, which will be held in HELP, on the 8th of October!

On behalf of HELP TMC, I would like to thank all participants for today's meeting, including our guests, speakers, evaluators, and of course, our GE, Seetho. Hope to see you soon!

Celebrate life,
Rajveer Singh :D

Sunday 14 August 2011

HELP Humour Speech and Evaluation Contest

Hello everyone!

On the 13th of August, Saturday, HELP TMC had our annual Humour Speech an Evaluation contest. It was held in our very own DSA room in Wisma HELP. A special thank you to Victor Ong, Area Governer, and chief judge, for taking the time and making the effort for being there for our competition, especially since it was held on a Saturday morning.

The competition started on time, at 10.00 a.m. It sta
rted with the humour speech contest. The speeches were brilliant, and ranged from the effects of facebook, to parents' expectation of their children, from being a transsexual to the evolution of technology, and from one's nightmare birthday experience to the art of photography. There were also many other topics that were spoken about on the day, and really tickled the audience. After hearing the speeches from all eight speakers, we took a 20 minute breather.

After the break, the evaluation contest began. Test speaker Micheal, took the stage with his speech regarding choosing the right career path. A special thank you to Micheal for taking the responsibility of being our test speaker for our in-house competition. After his speech, and hearing the feed back from all 8 evaluators, we had some announcements. The certificates were then presented to all the role players, including the time keepers, the ballot counters, the SAAs, and not to forget the judges.

After the certificates were given out, it was time to announce the results! The results were then announced by the respective contest chairs, Oh Jian Yi for the Humour Speech, and Ivan Yong for the Eavluation contests. The winners are as follows:

Humour Speech
Winner: Loo Han Rong
1st Runner Up: Vincent Liew
2nd Runner up: Rajveer Singh

Winner: Loo Han Rong
1st Runner Up: Vincent Liew
2nd Runner Up: Tan Gui Ming.

Good luck to them, who will fly our college flag high, when they represent us in the G3 and G4 contest next month. A special thank you to all the judges, contestants, role players, and everyone else who was there to support this event. A very special thank you, and congratulations, to organising chair, Eugene Lau, for doing a splendid job. Hats off to you! MORE Pics coming soon :D

Celebrate life,
Rajveer Singh,

Sunday 7 August 2011

Our Forth Meeting-6th of august 2011

Hey all!
We had our 1st meeting of August today, on the 6th of August. We were fortunate to have Siok Looi, an experienced Toastmaster as our General Evaluator for the meeting. We also had a full house today with guests from TTDI TMC, Telekom TMC and Monash TMC.

The theme of this meeting was Family. Everything from the introductions to the table topics session centered around this relatable topic. Everyone had plenty to talk about. Topics like "My father, my idol" and "If one day you woke up with a different family.." were among the things that were discussed. We had 5 table topic speakers, and then continued on with the evaluation session.

After the evaluation session, we moved on to the highlight of the meeting, that is the Humorous Speech Workshop by none other than TTDI TMC's president Lee Xi Wen. It was a very informative workshop as we learnt how to construct jokes through various methods like triads and so on. Drawing on his vast experience in giving humorous speeches, Lee Xi Wen imparted valuable knowledge on the subject, which will prove especially useful to the contestents of next week's Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contest.

After the workshop, which lasted about 30 minutes, we had the assignment speakers. This week we had 3 speakers who gave varied but solid performances in their respective speeches.

After the assignment speeches, we had the evaluation session for the assignment speakers. Detailed reports were given on each speaker's performance. Next, the language evaluator, time keeper and Ah-Counter role players gave their reports for the meeting, followed by our GE. Last but not least, we had all the guests give their feedback on their experience in today's meeting.

Finally, President Zoe Lo, took the stage with her closing address. She began by awarding certificates to the best table topic speaker (Zoe Lo), best assignment speaker( Kevin Ho) and best evaluator (Siok Looi). She then brought the eventful meeting to an end with a few last words.


Saturday 6 August 2011

Our third Meeting on 30th of July 2011

Hello everyone!!!
As usual, we had our weekly meeting yesterday, on the 30th of July. We were lucky to have DTM Lourdes Chandramohan, IPP of Bangsar Toastmasters Club as our General Evaluator for the meeting. We were also blessed that district governer, Victor Ong , could join us. We were also joined by guests from Monash TMC, Telekom TMC, and several others.
The meeting started with a round of tabletopic speeches. Seeing that the theme for the meeting was 'time' and it's importance, ttm Kevin appropriately chose topics like 'Wasting time' and 'saving time' We had six table topic speakers, and then moved on to the evaluation session. After all, evaluation is the breakfast of champions, as they say.
After the evaluation session, we moved on to the assignment speakers. We had five speakers who had been scheduled to deliver speeches, and all five did an outstanding job. GE Lourdes was so impressed that he said he would like to re-visit our club in the near future to see our progress and help us to develop and improve further our club.
After the assignment speeches, we had our second evaluation session. As always, this evaluation session was done by seperate evaluators for each speaker. After the evaluations, the language evaluator, time keeper and Ah-counter role-players gave their reports for the meeting., followed by our GE. Finally, district governer Victor Ong took over the stage and thankd us for inviting him. He was also very impressed by our progress since he last visited us, and promised to help us grow and improve along the way.

Finally, President Zoe Lo, took over for her closing address. She started by giving out the certificates for the best table topics speaker(Siew Peng), best assignment speaker(Rajveer), and also the best evaluator(Siew Peng again!!!). She then called the meeting to a close by once again stressing the importance of making the most of our time, and reminding us that,"You control time, time does not control you."
After the meeting, we had a special session where we cut a Secret Recipe cake to celebrate the birthdays of all of our members who had been born in the month of July. From now onwards, this will be a normal practice to cut a cake at the final meeting of every month!!

*Announcement: On our next meeting, 6/8/11, we will be having a special humour speech briefing by Lee Xi Wen, the runner up in the district humour session. Xi Wen will be briefing us on how to add humour in our speeches, and this will be very helpful for those who intend to take part in the humour speech competitions over the course of August.. DO COME!!!!

Remember, work hard, but play harder :D
Celebrate life,
Rajveer Singh,

Our Second club meeting-16th of July 2011

Presidential Address

Table Topics Session

Assignment Speeches

Best Speaker goes to OUR GUEST!!!!







Saturday 16 July 2011

New Exco for July- December

Dear all,

AS you all know, we have had a change of exco members for the second half of the year 2011. The new generation has taken over. The following are the new and incomming exco members for the July-December term of the year 2011:

President: Zoe Lo
VPE: Tan Tze Yi
VPM: Tan Gui Ming
VPPR: Rajveer Singh
Secretary: Oh Jian Yi
Treasurer: Mun Kit
SAA: Kevin Ho

This coming friday, 22rd July 2011, we will be having our installation dinner, to officially install the incoming exco members, and honour our outgoing exco members. The dinner will take place in our very own campus, the HELP University Dept. of student affairs room and is expected to start at 7.30p.m . The menu will be a western dinner, inclusive of an appertizer, main courses and desserts. A fee of RM30 will be charged, to cater for the food. Trust me when I say that the food is mouth watering, and will make you crave for more. I sincerely hope that you will be able to join us in our celebrations, as many area governors and division G governor-Rohijas will be there, making it a golden oppertunity for you to network. In doing so, we will also be able to get to know one another better, and widen our toastmasters family. Last but not least, we promise you a night of great fun!

For more information, or to confirm you attendance, feel free to contact our president, Zoe at 0178877310, or me, at 012-2010407.

Celerate life,
Rajveer Singh,

Saturday 25 June 2011

New term coming up

Dear HELPTMC toastmaster,

This is the last time I will be posting on the blog as VPPR of the club.

To keep it short, it was a pleasure serving the club for these 6 months and thank you all for bearing with me as well.

YES, THERE'S A NEW LINE UP FOR EXCO's for the 2011/2012 term. New members, new blood and new drama!!!!!!!!

So feel free to visit the club to regain the AWESOMENESS that you might have lost being absent. Come and be part of our AWESOME club, we will be waiting for you......

For the last time,

You know you love me,
VPPR 2010/2011

Monday 7 March 2011

Congradulations HUC Toastmasters, We Are All Winners (26/2/2011)

Our International Speech and Table Topics Contest was a blast and it is thanks to all the AWESOME people who were role playing, contesting as well as audience who were clapping for the speakers.

BRAVO @ GREAT JOB Everyone!!!!!!

Our International Speech Champion, Vincent Liew !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our International Speech 1st Runners-up, Jason Moi !!!!!!!

Our Table Topics Champion, Jason Moi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Our Table Topics 1st Runners-up, Loo Han Rong !!!

We expect a fight to death at the area contest from the three of them.

Next week on HUC Toastmasters.......
Toasties from PWC gives impressive speeches
More new members

You know you love me,

Thursday 24 February 2011

TLI + Installation Dinner (19/02/2011)

Aloha Toasties,

This week we started our trip to TLI2 with a mini meeting at Mc Donald's/ Subway at PBD.

We headed to Wisma IJM about noon and arrived there on time, whew!!!( knowing our bad timing)

As the new board, we received diversified advice from members of other clubs and areas in the division.

SURPRISE: In the middle of the event, the TOM announced that someone's car had a tree branch on it and it was Vincent's car!!!! Luckily the branch did not crush his car but still cause an obvious dent on his car roof top. Haiz, so sorry Vincent!!!!

Later we headed to our installation dinner with the area secretary as our installer.

Everyone gave positive response to the dinner and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

Besides witnessing the installation of the new exco. We also witnessed members AMOS and ROSE(you know who you are) "discussing" about IPhone apps, they were so into it that a glass broke!!!

Next week on HELP UC Toastmasters
The pressure is on as we are having our club contest
our members rock the contest....

You know you love me,

2 Week Countdown to Club Contest (12/02/2011)

Hello toasties.

Today's toastmasters meeting was full of surprises, one of them was Mr. Daniel Teh visiting our club. He was coaching one of the members from the 6 months old Monash Toastmasters Club.

Have you heard the saying,

If we could sell our experiences for what they cost us, we'd all be millionaires.

Well in today's meeting, we witnessed it!!!!!

Congrats to Mun Yee for winning our best table topics of the day. Good luck at the contests!!!!!

The sound advice given by Daniel popped the beautiful bubble that has been surrounding the club members and made us realize that what we are doing is far from enough.

Next week on Help UC Toastmasters,
The exco goes for TLI 2
the long awaited installation dinner is at The Curve!!!

You know you love me,

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Upcoming Events !!!!!!!!

So the contest season is on and the following contests are ones your can go to witness

Money& You- 21st Feb 2011(pm)
HELP - 26th Feb 2011(am)
Area G2- 1st March 2011(pm)
Area G3- 12th March 2011(am)

If you have info for other contests, update me and I will post it up.

HUC Toasties, our upcoming events are

19th Feb 2011- Installation dinner
26th Feb 2011- club contest
12th Mar 2011- area contest

Friday 11 February 2011

Invasion and departure (CNY period)

These new members are really serious about being a toastmaster!!!!! Many of them have already paid the fees, some of them are even prepared to contest!!!! Seasoned members, prepare for the invasion of the century.

So who's leaving us? I believe is the Q of the week.

Answer:.........Qin Mei

Yes, I have just confirmed with Qin Mei that she is gonna be leaving for Australia on 12th of Feb

We had a farewell dinner with her on the 10th of Feb at Mcdonald's Uptown. We talked, joked and reminisced about our time in toastmasters and how different were our paths leading us.

I remember Qin Mei as the senior member in HELP Toastmasters when I first joined last year. She is a good friend, great mentor and amazing presenter. I hope she does well in whatever she wants to in the future and keep in touch with us old friends.

Next week on HELP UC toastmasters...............

Members sign up and prep for the club contest
an old friend visits to give sound advice

You know you love me,

Chinese new year, new spirit, new members (29/1/2011)

Chinese NEW Year

GONG XI FA CAI everyone, hope you all have a prosperous and happy new year.

NEW spirit

The A-levels people who have been gone for the past month due to exams are back. Each of them carrying a new spirit in rejoining the club's activities making the energy level higher then it has ever been.

Everyone had fun mingling and rekindling old friendships. The SAA had to call the meeting to order thrice before everyone settled down.

AND we have a big improvement in our timing as we started the meeting on time!

The new EXCO are very determined to get all the 10 DCP's hence they held an exco meeting right after the club meeting to discuss strategies.

NEW members

HELP UC Toasties were surprised when many potential new members visited the club and were impressed with their table topic presentations

This is Mirabel, potential new member and best table topic speaker of the day

The talent shown by these potential members gives us hope to have another Division champion from our club. Bravo people!!!!!

Next week, on HELP UC Toastmasters............

Someone is leaving
Some people are coming

You know you love me,

Meeting The Taylor Toasties (22/1/2011)

So we made our way to Taylors Lakeside Campus on this bright and sunny day...........OK, I know its cliched but it really was.

Our IPP, Jaime chilling out before the meeting commenced. Say cheese!!!!!!!

So you won something this time around Vincent, great job Mr. President!!(at keeping your face straight)-joke inserted

Quite a turn out for a meeting huh? Hope to see you all next time again. It was nice meeting new people, although some are not that new......ahem....ahem......another joke

As the quote goes, A picture speaks a thousand words. We had three, so its three thousand?

Next week on HELP UC Toastmasters......

The A-levels people are back and they are ready to make some noise
New potential members joining us, some of them have the WOW factor

You know you love me,

The Sunrise: 1st Toastmaster Meeting of Year 2011 (15/1/2011)

HAIZ, our DRAMA KING, Jason won our Best Evaluator again!!!!! Congrats anyways!!!!

So who actually won the award? Definitely not the one holding it. Sorry Vincent, that was a joke.

Hi fellow toasties, this new year started with a BANG and its all because of your presence at our meeting. Hope to see you at the next meeting and all the ones that follow.

Next week on HELP UC Toastmasters.............

We HELP UC toasties become guests at Taylors Toastmasters,
Wanna know how we faired? Check us out, next week!!

You know you love me,

Wednesday 19 January 2011


Dear HELP UC Toastmasters,

We would be having an installation dinner for the new EXCO of HELP UC Toastmasters once again

The details are as follows:

Venue: Royale Bintang Hotel, The Curve

Date: 19th February 2011, Saturday

Time: 6.30pm-9.30pm

Dress code: Formal

Price : RM45( pay in RM50, we have prepared RM5 notes as change for easy collection)

Please confirm your seats by 25th of January by replying the email sent to you all from our gmail.

If you are attending, please pay the money to Eugene, our new treasurer by latest 29th January during our club meeting in the morning.

Fellow toastmasters that are close to our club are also welcomed to join in this meaningful event. Just drop us an email at

Hope to see y'all there and see you at the next club meeting. XOXO

HELP UC Toastmasters

Saturday 1 January 2011


Dear blog readers and members of HELP UC Toastmasters Club,

We would like to wish you HAPPY NEW YEAR. May the year 2011 brings you happiness, success, joy and abundance of opportunities.

Meetings will resume on 15 January 2011

Thank you.

Yours truly,
James KW Kan, TM
Sergeant- At - Arms