Preisdent Ernest giving his opening address. Amongst our visitors was his little sister cassandra: (spot the similarities)
Our club was also honoured with the presence of 3 members of the Midvalley Toastmasters Club as well as Ahmad from MIM Toastmasters Club who consented to be an evaluator as well as volunteer himself for the table topics session:
Midvalley Toastmasters:
On top of that, we proud to announce we have 2 more members who have begun their Toastmasters journey: Kevin and BK!
As mentioned earlier, we are proud to announce that one of our members, namely Miss Kan Foong Wen was completed her competent communicator manual. Although she lives a great distance away, she has not allowed distance or higher oil prices to decrease her growth as a Toastmaster. Good Job Foong Wen!
However, the speech of the day went to Jook Yew. His title in itself deserved a mention for its unique-ness "the long lost laughter of a not so common ATM machine"
In facet Jook Yew's speech was so good that it is included after the jump.
All in all, the meeting was great, HELP UC Toastmasters Club will continue to grow. Until next time everyone!
(VPPR come 1st July 2008)
Jook Yew's Speech:
Good morning everyone! My name is Jook Yew. Today, I'll be giving mysecond speech entitled, the long lost laughter of the not so common ATM machine. I know it does sound long.What does this not so common ATM machine sound like to you all? Does it sound like, A, a very hugesophisticated four legged machine? Or, B, a small convenient I-Podlike machine? (waiting for response from the audience)..All of youranswers are wrong!. Because the correct answer is C! this machine isactually my father. Technically he is an ATM machine because he is thesole supplier of all my necessities n luxury. What makes him not socommon? Simple! He is biologically programmed to love n nurture me!This reason is simply good enough.
What day was 6 days ago? Was it the regular where you wake up, play, eat and sleep? Or was it the Sunday where you do all your dull boring housework? I bet none of these is the answer because 2 days ago was a day where u should at least do something special 2 express your immense filial love towards your father. It was rather a meaningfuland ideal father's day which I would treasure in my Pandora box.
Today, I am about to share a few wonderful chronicles which happenedon this year's father's day with you all with the intention toencourage all of you to love your father deeper than you do right now.Last Sunday was rather simple but extremely meaningful. The spotlight of the day was neither the luxurious present which we bought for my father nor the few lovely kisses which we gave him on his fleshy cheek. It was actually the movie which we watched, Kung Fu Panda. I amas certain as the sun will set from the west that those of you whohave watched this movie already would agree with me that it is 1 ofthe most hilarious , entertaining and relaxing movies! I would like to convince those who have not watched this movie yet go grab a ticket n pamper yourself with a few hours of good laughter. The bottom line is,it is a 2 thumbs up movie.
While me and my family were watching the movie, there I was peepingsecretly on my father who was laughing non stop insanely like a 5 year old innocent kid while he is actually a 50 year old mature stallion.At the instant moment, I could actually feel the intense aura of him as a happy man as though he is an unleashed freeman already. Free from the grief of hiking oil prices, free from the grief of bills n debts about to be settled and free from the worries of his infinite endless tedious job. I personally the movie was a truly a miracle as though laughing bombs with power similar to an atomic bomb just fell off the sky, creating an atmosphere of wilderness! In the case of my father,it was rather therapeutic,purging off n diffusing his "stress poison". It has been so long. So long that I felt it was like 500 billionlight years ago since the last time he was indulging himself so much.The 50 minutes of queing up was definitely worthy in exchange of such enjoyable moment. I'm glad he was jubilant throughout the whole movie,throughout the whole day.
There are 2 great lessons which I have learnt and thought would befantastic if applied in real life. First, appreciate present time.Time is basically classified in 3 categories, past, present and future. The reason why the time right now is called present is because the time right now is like a wrapped up Christmas present filled with surprises and miracles. It all depends on how you unwrap it, enjoy it and appreciate it. That's why it is called Present. People, learn from the past, engage in the present and believe in the future. Last butnot least, the second lesson. LOVE. Love everything beside of you including your enemy who stole your lover or the teacher who cannedyou while u were so young and defenseless. Just like how I love mystrict, fierce, discipline Japanese- like father who consistently challenge me in such an annoying way such as "Hey son. U don't just talk the talk. When are u going to walk the walk and show me you'recapable of…BLA BLA BLA..which goes on forever n ever. People,appreciate n love!!! Thank you.