Friday, 11 February 2011

Meeting The Taylor Toasties (22/1/2011)

So we made our way to Taylors Lakeside Campus on this bright and sunny day...........OK, I know its cliched but it really was.

Our IPP, Jaime chilling out before the meeting commenced. Say cheese!!!!!!!

So you won something this time around Vincent, great job Mr. President!!(at keeping your face straight)-joke inserted

Quite a turn out for a meeting huh? Hope to see you all next time again. It was nice meeting new people, although some are not that new......ahem....ahem......another joke

As the quote goes, A picture speaks a thousand words. We had three, so its three thousand?

Next week on HELP UC Toastmasters......

The A-levels people are back and they are ready to make some noise
New potential members joining us, some of them have the WOW factor

You know you love me,

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